For the Masorti Lehrhaus we cooperate with the Oranienburger Strasse Synagogue. If you are interested, please send us an Email.
"Das Lehrhaus soll uns lehren, warum und wozu wir sind." (i.e. The Lehrhaus should teach us, why and to what purpose we exist.)

Based on this motto, Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929) founded the "Freie Jüdische Lehrhaus" in 1920 in Frankfurt/Main.
This adult education center was open to everyone who wanted to learn, but not just anything, but Jewish tradition in the framework of a modern life.
This way of learning is special because modern people can actively enter into a dialogue with every traditional text, and all questions towards the text are possible and welcome.
From January 2003, Masorti Germany organises their own lectures that take place every two weeks. A special format was established soon: At first, people come together to read the original text source, which forms the basis of the topic of the day or term, in chevruta (traditional Jewish practice of learning with a partner). This is followed by a presentation or discussion with everyone. There is a wide range of topics: from ethical questions like social justice, theological reflection of Jewish practice (e.g. head covering and kashrut) to classical text studies.
Guest lecturers have been and are prominent rabbis and scientists, such as Rabbi Prof. Dr. Mark R. Cohen, Princeton and Berlin; Rabbi Prof. Dr. Burt Visotzky, Jewish Theological Seminary New York; Prof. Dr. Almuth Bruckstein, Berlin and Jerusalem; Rabbi Levi-Weiman-Kelman, Jerusalem; Rabbi Prof. Dr. Robert Liberles, Beer Sheva.
Twice already, we offered an intensive programme called "summer in the Lehrhaus" by American Rabbinical students (Julia Watts-Belser und Dennis Linson) who did an internship in Berlin for two months each. Seminar topics were for instance Hebrew conversation and an introduction to the Siddur (prayer book).