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Interreligious Kindergarten

The muslim organisation Deutschsprachige Muslimkreis Berlin e.V. and the protestant Evangelische Kirchenkreisverband für Kindertageseinrichtungen Berlin Mitte-Nord together with Masorti Germany founded an interreligious Kindergarten project in 2014.
Three independent - Jewish, Christian and Muslim - nursery schools under one roof create a safe space for children and their families, enabling them to experience religious and cultural diversity as an enrichment.

In May 2015, the Förderverein Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus e.V. was founded. It is registered as a non-profit, tax-exempt organisation under German Law.
You can find more information on the website of the project and in the project Flyer.

Please donate for this project!
Account holder: Förderverein Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus e.V.
IBAN: DE39 1002 0500 0001 4724 00

Please contact us by Email for more information.
