Interreligious Kindergarten

The muslim organisation Deutschsprachige Muslimkreis Berlin e.V. and the protestant Evangelische Kirchenkreisverband für Kindertageseinrichtungen Berlin Mitte-Nord
together with Masorti Germany founded an interreligious Kindergarten project in 2014.
Three independent - Jewish, Christian and Muslim - nursery schools under one roof create a safe space for children and their families, enabling them to experience religious and cultural diversity as an enrichment.
You can find more information on the website of the project and in the project Flyer.
Please donate for this project!
Account holder: Förderverein Drei-Religionen-Kita-Haus e.V.
IBAN: DE39 1002 0500 0001 4724 00
Please contact us by Email for more information.