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Further resources

We would like to recommend hagalil as a website with very diverse information about Judaism in Germany. There is information in English as well, even though most part of the website is in German. You will find a lot of materials referring to a wide range of issues.

You also find a lot of information about Judaism and the situation in the communities in Germany on

Here you find the Dossier of Judaism from the WDR (in German).

Jewish content:

- Information about the holidays etc.
- The "Distant learning" site of the JTS:
- The Shefanetwork: statements regarding the torah portion and resources for
- The website of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism:
  Materials regarding Halachah and Jewish everyday life.
- You find the current torah portion in a new translation, especially for children and
  youngsters, including questions for a discussion under (website in German)
- Materials of the ZWST for Jewish Youth work (use carefully, may be judgemental)
  (website in German)

Melodies for Services:

- Zemirot Database with songs for services, kiddush, chagim and simches.
- This website follows the pages of the Siddur Sim Shalom,
  with mp3 audio files for the individual melodies.
  Compiled by Rabbi Mark Zimmermann, Atlanta, GA.
