Our Partners
In addition to the Masorti institutions in Europe, Israel and the USA,
we also cooperate with the following jewish and non-jewish partner organisations.
Our partner organisations in alphabetical order:
Action Reconciliation Service for Peace
American Jewish Committee
Allgemeine Rabbinerkonferenz Deutschlands
Atelier Frank
Brenner Fotoversand GmbH Weiden
Bundesverband Jüdischer Studenten - Federal Association of Jewish Students
Centrum Judaicum - New Synagogue
Cornelsen Verlag (publishing house)
Dachverband Berliner Kinder und Schülerläden e.V.
Deutschsprachiger Muslimkreis DMK Berlin e.V.
Evangelischer Kirchenkreisverband für Kindertageseinrichtungen Berlin Mitte-Nord
Germany Close Up
Berlin Jewish Community
Jewish Museum Berlin
Jugend für Europa - German National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme
Jung und Jüdisch - Young and Jewish
Milk and Honey Tours
Oranienburger Strasse Synagogue
Zacharias Frankel College
Central Council of Jews in Germany